7150 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite L, Columbia, MD 21046
New York Location
112 West 34th Street, 18th floor, Room 18025 New York, NY 10001
One of the most impactful factors that play a role in the success of a small business is how well its advertising and promotions perform. If you have a physical storefront for your small business, chances are that you are always looking for ways to improve your store to create a better experience for your customers.
With today’s technology, businesses of all sizes are transitioning to digital signage to replace their previous static signage. But, why transition from traditional to digital signage? How can small businesses use digital signage?
In this article, we will explore why it is beneficial to transition from traditional to digital signage, and how small businesses can utilize this technology to improve business performance.
Why should small business owners even bother investing in digital signage? Luckily, digital signage is worth the investment. Let’s dive into some specific reasons as to why small businesses should transition from traditional signage to digital signage.
Ability to display dynamic content
Digital signage allows businesses to display dynamic content that goes far beyond the capabilities of traditional signage. With digital signage, small businesses can create unique shopping experiences for their customers. There are a number of ways to create a better experience with digital signage, such as using video boards to feature promotions and brands in-store, interactive signage that allows customers to browse products that are available, and so much more. Digital signage gives small businesses an advantage over other stores that have traditional signage that is not as engaging.
Demand more attention
Staying on the topic of having eye-catching signage, let’s dive into that a little more. Since digital signage is already eye-catching in nature, it automatically demands attention from potential customers regardless of what quality the content is. Of course, if you have eye-catching and engaging content on your digital signage, it will be even more demanding of attention. Earning the attention of potential customers is one of the many challenges that businesses face, but digital signage can play a key role in conquering that challenge.
Boost sales
Digital signage can display things like ads, promotions, and content that can help push customers to make a purchase. While traditional signage is also capable of displaying ads and promotions, digital signage adds another dimension to the otherwise static design of ads. Digital signage allows content to be dynamic, as we discussed before. Businesses can actually cycle through different ads and promotional graphics on digital signage, which will help declutter the store from a bunch of small traditional ads. Doing this will not only improve customer experience, but also make the store look more neat and professional. Both of these factors help push customers to make purchases, which in turn boosts sales and revenue.
Now that we know why digital signage is beneficial to small businesses, let’s take a look at some ways that digital signage can actually be used in a small business to help boost business performance:
One of the most simple yet important ways to use digital signage is to promote your small business’s branding. This includes colors, logos, and any other signature pieces of content that are associated with your business. A good rule of thumb for any content that is going to be displayed to shoppers is to make sure that your branding is consistent there. This ensures consistency across all media and branding in the store which will help establish your business as a real authority in your market.
Another big factor in boosting the performance of your small business is having impactful ads and promotions. Digital signage is perfect for promotions and ads because it has the capability of displaying dynamic content. This means that not only will your promotions catch attention, but you will be able to show content that switches between different ads or graphics, sort of like a gallery on a website. This will allow small business owners to promote more of their products to visitors.
Improve buyer engagement
Small businesses can harness the power of digital signage to enhance buyer engagement with eye-catching designs, personalized messaging, social media integration, and in-store navigation signage. The goal with buyer engagement is to get consumers involved and engaged with your business or store, which will ultimately improve the shoppers’ experience and can help boost sales.
Investing in digital signage for your small business is a big decision, but it could be the catalyst for bringing in more business and attention to your store. As technology advances and the business landscape evolves, digital signage will become even more of the norm and continue to play a big role in business performance. Are you ready to make the switch from traditional to digital signage?
Explore itouchinc.com for more information on our solutions or contact us for needs unique to your property or project.
7150 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite L, Columbia, MD 21046
112 West 34th Street, 18th floor, Room 18025 New York, NY 10001
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