Digital Signage for the Modern Mall

With the age of ever-changing technology upon us, places like malls are always evolving to meet the demands of consumers. One of the most impactful elements that is transforming the retail landscape is digital signage. From huge interactive displays to digital advertising screens, digital signage is changing the experience for shoppers. But, why exactly should malls have digital signage over traditional signage? What are the benefits? In this article, we will explore the reasons why digital signage is beneficial for modern malls.


Why Digital Signage For Malls?

Modern malls are a lot different than the malls of yesterday. They are much larger, more complex in design, and require more adequate signage. Digital signage is one of the best options for modern malls because of all the helpful features and opportunities it provides. Digital signage has a number of benefits for malls. Let’s dive into them now:

Enhances shopping experience

Digital signage in malls enhances the shopping experience for customers. Digital signage goes far beyond the abilities of traditional signage, offering dynamic and eye-catching content that captures the customers' attention. Eye-catching content creates a unique experience for the customer and may encourage them to make a purchase. Another way digital signage improves the shopping experience is by providing user-friendly directories and maps to help visitors navigate the mall. 

Increase traffic in stores

Given that digital signage is eye-catching, having it can significantly increase a store’s foot traffic and dwell time. This is especially helpful in stores because it demands more attention from a customer and can push them to decide to make a purchase. 

Promote brands and products

Digital signage is an effective way to advertise and promote certain brands or products because it allows retailers to display their promotions in a compelling way that resonates with customers. There are many ways to promote brands or products using digital signage, including highlighting new arrivals and featuring customer testimonials. Digital signage will always be more eye-catching and more effective than static traditional signage. 

Additional Revenue Streams

Besides enhancing the shopping experience for customers, digital signage gives malls the opportunity to gain another revenue stream by offering advertising space to other brands and businesses that want to advertise there. Digital signage can be used in so many different ways. 


Applications of Digital Signage for the Modern Mall

Now that we know some of the many benefits of digital signage for the modern mall, let's go over some of the applications and ways that malls can use digital signage.


  1. Interactive Directories/Map
    • Interactive maps and directories engage shoppers while highlighting store locations, amenities, and promotions. 
  2. Promotional Displays for Sales and Events
    • Showcase upcoming sales, events, and promotions to drive foot traffic and boost sales.
  3. Dynamic Advertising Screens
    • Display targeted advertisements based on customers’ demographics, preferences, and behavior.
  4. Social Media Integration
    • Curate user-generated content and display social media feeds to foster community engagement and relationships.
  5. Real-Time Updates 
    • Provide customers with real-time updates on things like parking availability and guidance to navigate parking facilities efficiently. 


Is Digital Signage Worth the Investment?  

By leveraging the power of digital technology, malls can create immersive environments that captivate customers’ attention, drive foot traffic, and increase sales. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, digital signage will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of shopping around the world.

If you're looking to make an investment in the future of your property, contact us to explore the various digital signage solutions your mall can utilize.


Explore for more information on our solutions or contact us for needs unique to your property or project.

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